Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Son-day Prayers penned by GW

Washington Prayer Book -
Work Book - Picture Book

"Son-day" Morning Page 1

"...humble and hearty thanks that thou has preserv'd me from the dangers of the night past, and brought me to the light of this day, and the comforts thereof, a day which is consecrated to thine own service and for thine own honour."

These tattered prayer book pages of a facsimile of Washington's Prayers traveled all across America, four times from Sea to Shining Sea, and while kneeling, were prayed at each of the Continental state capitols morning and evening for the people of that state and their elected servants.

On the left is the penmanship of George Washington at age 20, on the right is a transcript by Bible scholar, Rusty Maisel.

In the center, is for you to copy GW's prayers in your own penmanship, and in that way, the penned prayers become your own. Then make a copy, cut out the center box, and you have a set of 3 x 5 cards of GW Prayers for your pocket, or for the ladies, your pocketbook. Then you can make them part of your daily devotions.

"Son-day" Morning Page 2

"...pardon I beseech thee, my sins, remove them from thy presence as far as the east is from the west, and accept of me for the merits of thy son Jesus Christ...

"Son-day" Morning Page 3

"...it may be wisdom, righteousness, reconciliation & peace to the saving of my soul in the day of The Lord Jesus..."

The phrase that Pastor Dr. D. James Kennedy focused on in one of his sermons on Washington's Prayers:

"...but so coldly & carelessly that my prayers are become my sin and stand in need of pardon."

"Make me to know what is acceptable in thy sight, and therein to delight. open the eyes of my understanding..."

"...and direct em to the true object Jesus Christ the way, the truth, and the life."

"Help O Lord all the people of this land, from the highest to the lowest, particularly those whom thou has appointed to rule over us in church & state..."

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    - Work Book - Picture Book
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